The Bench

As my research continues I have been thinking more about the nature of parks and their function. As yet I’m unclear on the work/project I will create as a consequence of this research but here are some images of things I have been looking at revealing the aesthetics of my research. My next installation as part of The Pansy Project in Liverpool for the first time is directly exploring the relationship with memorial and public park. As the installation will be placed in a park filled with memorial statues an interesting dialogue will occur between my small temporary ‘memorial’ and the large statues and plaques surrounding it. Above a bench with graffiti; photo Hilary Jack, below a roadside bench in Berlin.


@GillMPhoto said…
Hurrah, another fan of benches !! I have just exhibited my latest photography work "The Chorlton Bench Project" <(>
my projects are often based around the people/environment juncture ... cause & effect.

I found your site via the Artranspennine Blog and very glad I am too. Some great work and your avatar has gone to the top of the charts. I will keep checking back to your site & I shall investigate the Artranspenine08 venture - great idea. Good Luck.

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